International School of Criminal Procedure

International School of Criminal Procedure

International School of Criminal Procedure

On April 03, Tashkent State Law University (Republic of Uzbekistan) hosted the grand opening of the International School of Criminal Procedure, within the framework of which the educational program «Criminal Procedure of Russia and CIS countries» was launched.

The International School of Criminal Procedure is a unique project in which procedural scientists from Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan conduct lectures and seminars on topical issues of criminal procedure law.

Vladimir Mairovich Bozrov, Head of the Department of Judicial Activity and Criminal Procedure of the USLU named after V.F. Yakovlev, Nikolay Vasilyevich Azarenok, Director of the Institute of Justice of the USLU named after V.F. Yakovlev, Dildora Bahadirovna Bazarova, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law of the TSLU, Berdakh Aimuratovich Daumenov, Head of the Educational and Methodological Department of the Karakalpak State University, delivered a welcoming speech at the opening of the School.

The participants of the meeting noted that this project will expand the horizons of scientific and educational activities of all universities.

The first lecture within the framework of the work of the International School of Criminal Procedure entitled «Resumption of criminal proceedings in view of new and newly discovered circumstances under the Criminal Procedure Code of Russia and the Republic of Uzbekistan» was conducted by the Head of the International Cooperation Department of the USLU named after V.F. Yakovlev Yuri Vyacheslavovich Kozubenko.

Until April 17, 2023, everyone who wants to study under the program «Criminal Procedure of Russia and CIS countries» can fill out an application at the link

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