On December, 02, the Tashkent State Law University (Republic of Uzbekistan) hosted an international scientific and practical conference «Modern problems of the development of criminal procedure law».
The purpose of this scientific event was to attract the attention of scientists and practitioners to topical issues of the development and further improvement of criminal proceedings.
The conference was attended by the head of the International Cooperation Department of the USLU named after V.F. Yakovlev Kozubenko Yuri Vyacheslavovich with a report: «On the procedural succession of individual participants in criminal proceedings».
Within the framework of this event, it was held a presentation of the textbook «Criminal Procedure», prepared by the staff of the Department of Criminal Procedure of TSLU, with the participation of leading scientists from foreign countries.
As a result of the conference, the participants decided to publish a textbook «Criminal procedure of Central Asian countries» with the aim of providing educational and methodological support for joint educational programs of our Universities.
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