

Peoples Friendship Festival

For the first time, the Festival of Friendship of Peoples was held in Ural State University in 2014, since then this event has become traditional. A large number of students take part in the Festival, and its program includes various events: exhibitions, round tables, master classes, concerts, film discussions.

The Peoples Friendship Festival was held at Ural State Law University from 12 to 15 September. On the first day of the festival, its participants were given the opportunity to take part in a master class on Russian folk dances and a master class on Armenian folk dances. The program of the next day of the Festival included a master class on playing the Armenian dhol, as well as a watching and discussion of the film "160", which is dedicated to the culture and life of the peoples of the Ural. The festival ended on September 15 with an exhibition of folk cuisine and a concert program.



Jamboree of the best USLU student groups


One of the most popular and favorite events for students is the Jamboree of the best USLU student groups. The event is held annually. Participants of the Jamboree are the best student groups of USLU institutes, which compete in various creative and intellectual competitions. The group, which becomes the best according to the results of the Jamboree, represents Ural State Law University at the interregional Jamboree of the best groups.

Regulation "On the Jamboree of the Best Student Groups of Ural State Law University"

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