Eurasian Research Center for Comparative and International Business Law


 620034, Ekaterinburg, 54 Kolmogorova St., office 303   


 +7 (343) 295-93-98

The Eurasian Research Center for Comparative and International Business Law (hereinafter - the Center) was founded by decision of the Scientific Council of Ural State Law Academy dated February 18, 2008 № 7.

By order of the Rector of Ural State University dated April 2, 2008, the Regulation on the Center was approved, which was agreed with the General Director of «UMMC-Holding» LLC, one of the strategic business partners of the University. 
  The head of the Eurasian Research Center for Comparative and International Business Law is the head of the Department of Business Law of Ural State Law University, Doctor of Law, Professor Vladimir Sergeyevich Belykh.

The center is a specialized research division that purposefully implements research projects in the field of comparative and integration business law of the Eurasian Economic Union. It was founded on the scientific and technical basis of the USLU Institute of law and business to conduct research in the field of international and comparative business law, including issues of unification of business law (EAEU). The center became the first specialized research organization in the EAEU that implements research projects in the field of comparative and integration business law of the EAEU.

The center develops educational materials, drafts standard curricula and educational standards for teaching business and legal subjects in higher educational institutions of the EAEU member states, and also carries out research projects in the field of European Union law and the legal framework of the partnership between the European community and the Russian Federation.

Main objectives of the Center:
1.  coordination of the scientists’ activities interested in conducting comparative analysis and other studies in the field of business legislation of the EAEU member states;
2.  development of proposals for the development of integration business law of the EAEU, as well as harmonization (convergence or unification) of national legislation of different countries in the field of business activity;
3.  develop proposals for the implementation of international norms (standards) in national legislation and the contractual legal framework of the EAEC in the field of business relationships; preparation of proposals for improving the standards of teaching of business law disciplines in higher educational institutions of the EAEU member states;
4.  preparation of proposals for improving the legal framework of the partnership between the Russian Federation and the European Union in the field of business relations;
5.  informing business entities about the EAEU legislation. 

Activities of the Center:

  • preparation of materials containing a comparative analysis of national legislation of different countries and international agreements;
  • preparation of expert opinions at the request of interested public authorities and international organizations;
  • preparation of draft legal acts and conclusions on them, as well as a comprehensive examination of concepts, programs and other documents; organization of scientific contacts between scientists and specialists in the field of business law of various states;
  • preparation of scientific works (articles, collections) and translations of publications of foreign authors; organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences, round tables, seminars and other similar scientific events;
  • maintaining an archive of scientific works on the problems of EAEU law and facilitating coordination of research topics;
  • preparation of conclusions on business legislation and practice of its application in the EAEU States, as well as on the procedure for applying individual interstate agreements, at the request of interested business entities.

Results of the Center's work:
1. In 2013, a standard draft of a legislative act "On entrepreneurship" was developed on the instructions of the standing commission on economic policy of the IPA of the EurAsEC member states. These proposals were sent to the secretariat of the IPA of the EurAsEC member states for discussion and decision-making (scientific supervisor - Professor V. S.Belykh).
2. In 2010, Professor V.S.Belykh headed the working group on the preparation of a report on research work on the topic "Research on optimization of the debtor's cash expenditures carried out in the procedures used in the bankruptcy case" on the instructions of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.
In 2013-2014 V. S. Belykh, as a foreign expert from Russia, took part in the development of the concept of the draft entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the structure and content of the code. As a result, the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted by the Parliament (Majilis) of Kazakhstan and signed by the President of Kazakhstan on October 30, 2015.
4. Expert groups of the European-Asian legal Congress under the leadership of V. S. Belykh prepared a number of important proposals aimed at improving legislation in general and business in particular, as well as judicial practice. Thus, in the resolution of the 5th session of the Congress "Law and modernization: priorities and strategy" dated May 26-27, 2011. the expert group proposed" to coordinate actions and improve the effectiveness of legislative work " to create a Council for improving public legislation under the President of Russia, as well as a research center for public law.
5. On the instructions of «UMMC-Holding» LLC and «EurasHolding» LLC, the Center's expert groups carried out contractual research on the preparation of legal (scientific) conclusions on topical issues of practice.