Center for Bioethics and Law

Address: 620066, Russia, Ekaterinburg, 21 Kolmogorova St., office 114
620075, Russia, Ekaterinburg, 7 Tolmacheva St.
Telephone: +7 (343) 375-06-70

Centre for Bioethics with its partners completed the federal research project ordered by the State Duma of the Russian Federation (the government contract between the Ural State Law University and the State Duma of the Russian Federation)

Project name:
«The compliance of bioethical principles and principles of evidence-based medicine in science, health policy and  prosperity: regulatory problems and prospects of  law improvement»

Timeline: August – December 2021

Project goals and objectives:
Most emerging biomedical and innovative technologies raise substantial concerns about seeking  the best possible balance between free scientific inquiry and social values.  In this context public policy and legislation need to weight the benefits and harms of moving forward in science, health policy and  prosperity.

This project aims at:

  • Focusing  on understanding the nature of bioethics its perils and promises in biotechnologies;
  • Enhancing  the existing legal Russian base  and practice in the bioethical  and medical sphere  based on value approach by complex legal research and legislative  proposals for the Russian Parliament;
  • Identifying the impact of best world and foreign practice in genome, organ donation, moral status of embryo, medicine drug traffic, work of bioethics committees and opportunities of implementation this good practice;
  • Identifying the opportunities  and drawbacks  of bioethics of  different contemporary  strategies  in innovative technologies.

Research topics:

The research focuses on public, legal, medical and ethic discussions on:

  • genomics;
  • embryology;
  • organ donation;
  • biomedical cellular products;
  • bioethics committees.

Project uniqueness

  • The highest  relevance
    Research team  worked and streamlined the report findings in real-time mode. The team used  the recent and most spoken of  sources .
  • Multi-disciplinary approach
    In research were involved lawyers, doctors as well as scientist.

Project Partners:

  • the Ural State Law University;
  • the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of Russian Academy of Science  (Ural Branch);
  • Novosibirsk National Research State University;
  • Penza State University.

The research legal  project team includes researchers in Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Criminal and Admirative Law, International Law, the Law Theory and Medical Law. 

  • Complex analysis of  the world practice and foreign experience
    • USA
    • Asian countries (Singapore, Japan)
    • European countries (France, Spain, Norway, UK, Poland, Germany)
    • CIS (Kazakhstan)
  • Empirical database
    1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation
    2. Laws and other legal acts of the Russian Federation
    3. Decisions of the Constitutional and Supreme  Courts of the Russian Federation and other courts decisions
    4. Laws and other legal acts of foreign countries, courts decisions of foreign countries.
    5. International documents in bioethics and evidence-based medicine.
    6. European Court of Human Rights decisions.
    7. Documents of international and Russian  professional medical associations, ethical codes
    8. Scientific reports and mass-media articles.

Research Team

Irina Krylatova – Candidate of Law, Director of Center of Bioethics and Law; Senior Researcher,  Research Laboratory of Legal Support for Secure Use of Genetic and Genomic Information;  Associate Professor,  Chair of the Constitutional Law, The Ural State Law University  (Head of Research).
Ludmila Berg – Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Research Laboratory for Legal Support of the Safe Use of Genetic and Genomic Information at the Ural State Law University.

Igor Kravets – Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law and Constitutional Law of Novosibirsk State University

Georgy Romanovskiy – Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Penza State University.
Olga Romanovskaya – Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Penza State Law.
Mikhail Bolkov – Candidate of Medical Science, Vice Director of the Centre for Bioethics and Law, Senior Researcher of Laboratory of Inflammation Immunology of the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of Russian Academy of Science  (Ural Branch).
Natalya Novikova – Candidate of Law Associate Professor,  Chair of the Civil Law The Ural State Law University  

Yulia Radosteva – Candidate of Law, Senior Researcher,  Research Laboratory of Legal Support for Secure Use of Genetic and Genomic Information,  Associate Professor,  Chair of the Criminal Law, The Ural State Law University  

Andrey Nechkin – Candidate of Law , Associate Professor,  Chair of the Constitutional  Law,  The Ural State Law University  

Darina Vladimirova – Lecturer at the Department of Theory of State and Law, trainee researcher of the Research Laboratory for Legal Support of the Safe Use of Genetic and Genomic Information at the Ural State Law University.

Anastasia E. Semenovykh – Trainee researcher of the Research Laboratory for Legal Support of the Safe Use of Genetic and Genomic Information, postgraduate student of the Department of Theory of State and Law of the Ural State Law University.

All the information about the Project  is available at the Office of Scientific Research (UNI) of the Ural State Law University.

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