Department of Theory of State and Law

Head of the Department: Gribanov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Doctor of Juridical Sciences
Address: 620137, Ekaterinburg, 21 Komsomolskaya St., office 210
Telephone: +7(343) 375-26-06;
+7(343) 375-55-02

Department history

The Department of Theory of State and Law of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute as an independent structural unit was created in accordance with the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the RSFSR No. 442 of 12 / UP-63 and the order of the Rector of Sverdlovsk Law Institute dated 18.07.63 No. 83.

The first head of the Department of Theory of State and Law was Professor Sergey Sergeevich Alekseev, who headed it for 25 years (1963-1988). From 1988 to 1998, the Department was headed by Doctor of Law, Professor Viktor Mikhailovich Korelsky.

From 1998 to the present, the head of the Department of Theory of State and Law of Ural State Law University is Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Viktor Dmitrievich Perevalov.

 Teaching staff of the Department:

-       9 Doctors of Juridical Sciences: S. I. Arkhipov, D. V. Gribanov, S. V. Kodan, V. D. Perevalov, O. A. Puchkov, S. A. Stepanov, N. N. Tarasov, A. S. Shaburov, A. F. Cherdantsev;

-       Doctor of Political Sciences - V.I.Sherpaev;

-       11 Candidates of Juridical Sciences: E. A. Belkanov, L. N. Berg, E. A. Berezina, D. I. Gunin, S. V. Malyugin, V. A. Muravsky, Yu. V. Onosov, V. S. Pletnikov, D. E. Ponomarev, R. K. Rusinov, F. V. Fetyukov;

-       Candidates of Philosophical Sciences - V. E. Litvinov and P. A. Sayenko;

-       Associate Professor - R. A. Fayzrakhmanov;

-       Senior lecturer - I. V. Petryakov;

-       8 postgraduate students: A. P. Belova, D. S. Vladimirova, K. S. Korovin, S. V. Kuklin, A. E. Manuilov, E. V. Ponomareva, G. S. Simonov, V. V. Tishchenko.

Mission of the Department of Theory of State and Law:

-       formation of students' sufficient volume and level of theoretical knowledge about state and legal phenomena, about the profession and specialties of lawyers, about their social role in a state-organized society;

-       training in methods of obtaining theoretical and other legal knowledge, instilling skills in working with regulatory material, expert examination of draft regulatory legal acts;

-       coordination through methodological techniques, legal constructions, conceptual arsenal of efforts of general scientific, industry, applied disciplines and departments to develop students' professional competencies that correspond to the educational standard;

-       education of active and responsible specialists who are ready to resolve conflict situations professionally and fairly, who have a sense of citizenship, who are able to see and respect a person as a unique civilizational value;

-       implementation of scientific research in the field of law as a necessary basis for high-quality legal education.

These provisions are specified in a variety of areas of research, training, educational and methodological, organizational and personnel, outreach, and educational activities. The determining factors are the study of patterns of occurrence, development, and functioning of state and legal phenomena, improvement of legislation and increasing the effectiveness of legal regulation of public relations, and forecasting the development of society, state, and law.

Research activities of the Department

The research activities of the department staff include the preparation of doctoral and candidate theses, monographs, textbooks, collections of scientific papers, brochures, articles, reviewing and editing scientific papers, developing proposals for improving legislation, performing grant research.

On June 28, 2010, the department registered the scientific school "Legal Science and Legal Systems: Issues of Theory and Methodology" (head - Professor V. D. Perevalov). Within the framework of this school, several areas of fundamental and applied, traditional and search significance have been formed, taking into account the needs of social development and the prevailing scientific interests of faculty.

1. Problems of the methodology of legal science, education, and practice (head - Professor N. N. Tarasov). The most significant works published during this period should include:


Alekseev S. S. "The holiest thing that God has on earth: Immanuel Kant and the problem of law in the modern era." - M.: "Norma," 1998;

Tarasov N. N. "Methodological problems of legal science." - Ekaterinburg, 2001;

Alekseev S.S. "Ascension to law: Search and solutions." - M.: Norma, 2001;

Alekseev S.S. "Law: Alphabet-Theory-Philosophy: Experience in Complex Research." - M.: Statute, 1999;


Berg L. N. "Theoretical and methodological foundations of legal impact";

Kodan S. V. "Political and legal methodology in the study of the history of modernization of the state-legal system of Russia (19th - early 20th century);

Perevalov V. D. "Methodology of legal education: origins and stages of development";

Puchkov O. A. "Methodological aspects of legal reform in Russia";

Rusinov R. K. "Hermeneutics as meaning comprehension of legal texts";

Tarasov N. N. "Legal constructions: theoretical representation and methodological bases of research".

2. Problems of formation, interaction and improvement of the political and legal system of society (supervisor - Professor V. D. Perevalov).


For this direction, fundamental works are:


Alekseev S. S. "Ownership: Problems of Theory." - M.: Norma, 2007; Arkhipov S. I. "Subject of Law." - St. Petersburg, 2004,                    Arkhipov S.I. "Property: Legal Facets". - M.: Yurlitinform, 2014;           Cherdantsev A. F. "Logico-linguistic phenomena in jurisprudence", Moscow: Norma, 2012;


Berg L. N. "On the main gnoseological problems of forming a model of legal influence";

Gribanov D.V. "Legal Foundations for the Formation of Innovative Systems";

Perevalov V. D. "Interaction of legal systems: theoretical aspects";

V. Perevalov "Modern Russian State: Prospects, Problems and Development Risks".

3. Problems of the implementation of law, legal techniques and monitoring of the operation of legal norms (supervisor - Professor A.S. Shaburov).

Within the framework of this direction, the following works became the most relevant:

Belkanov E. A. "On the issue of the concept of "statehood";

Berg L. N. "Normative Impact in the Sphere of Scientific Activity: Experience of Theoretical Research";

Berezina E. A. "Legal regulation: basic approaches to understanding in modern legal science";

Berezina E. A. "Legal interpretation as a type of legal activity";

D. Gribanov "Scientific analysis of amendments to the Federal Law "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy";

Kodan S. V. "Improvement of legislation in the legal policy of the Russian state in the first half of the 19th century: strategic directions and general results";

Malyugin S. V. "Legislative policy in modern Russia: problems of theory and practice";

Shaburov A. S. "Legal concepts and terminology as a means of law cognition";

Shaburov A. S., Pletnikov V. S., Pletnikova M. S. "Economic management apparatus in the mechanism of the Russian state". - Ekaterinburg, 2008.

4. Legal and political aspects of national security (supervisor - Professor V. I. Sherpaev).

For this direction, important works are:

Litvinov V.E. "Technologies for manipulating legal consciousness";

Perevalov V. D., Sherpaev V. I. “Geopolitics. Safety. World Law and Order";

Perevalov V. D., Sherpaev V. I., Berg L. N. "Russia and the WTO: prospects and risks of interaction";

Perevalov V. D., Sherpaev V. I., Kuznetsov P. U. "Threats to Russia's security: political and legal opportunities to minimize them";

Saenko P. A. "Slavic defense";

Fayzrakhmanov R. A. "Armed violence in the context of global problems of modernity";

Sherpaev V. I. "Patriotic education of citizens and national security of Russia";

Sherpaev V.I. "Problems of State Integration in the Context of Modern Geopolitical Transformations";

Sherpaev V. I., Sudakov Yu. D., Perevalov V. D. "Problems of ensuring national security and legal counteraction to corruption".

5. Human dimension of state and legal phenomena (supervisor - Professor O. A. Puchkov). Scientific research in this direction is objectified in the following works:

Alekseev S. S. "The Universe and Man. Attempt to understand";

Alekseev S. S. "Law is our hope: Scientific and journalistic essays";

Perevalov V. D. "Man and law: issues of essence and understanding»;

Perevalov V. D. "The meaning of human life in a state-organized society";

Perevalov V. D. "Legal Doctrine: the Human Dimension";

Puchkov O. A. "Anthropological comprehension of law";

Rusinov R. K. "Socialization of the individual and legal regulation";

Shaburov A. S. "Class-political and universal human criteria for the social responsibility of the individual".

6. Problems of introducing theoretical scientific data into legal education and legal practice. New educational and professional qualification technologies (supervisor - Professor R. K. Rusinov).

The study of the indicated problems is devoted to the work performed at the junction of theoretical and methodological research:

Berg L. N. "Integration of science and education: improving legislative support";

Perevalov V. D. "Theoretical and historical aspects of Russian legal education",

Perevalov V. D. "Ural Theoretical and Legal School: Historical Aspect";

Pletnikov V. S. "Some problems of the departmental legal education system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia";

Rusinov R. K. "Methodological issues of legal education. What and how to teach future lawyers?";

Rusinov R. K. "Priority directions of modernization of legal education in Russia";

Saenko P. A. "Social and humanitarian component in the training of lawyers: realities and trends";

Fayzrakhmanov R. A. "Psychological and pedagogical technologies for training specialists for law enforcement agencies at a legal university";

Yagofarov D. A. "Principles of educational law, or On what foundation the new legislation on education is built".

At the stage of formation as independent areas are studies on the problems of legal awareness, legal understanding and legal development; comparative state studies and law; legal analysis; legal communication and legal impact; legal source studies; legal support for digitalization processes.

Considerable attention is paid to applied research, integration of scientific achievements in the practical activities of state and public structures. In particular, under grant programs, the Department team participated in research on the following topics: "The main directions of modern law understanding", "The Concept of the legal social state of the Russian Federation", "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia", "Theoretical problems of legal support of national security of the Russian Federation".

The department takes an active part in organizing and conducting thematic round tables, conferences, and symposia at various levels. Research results are being successfully implemented in legal practice, education, and enlightenment.

The Department of Theory of State and Law prepared collections of scientific works:

· "Legal acts in the mechanism of legal regulation of relations in the field of education: features, criteria and efficiency factors",

· "Cross-cultural interaction in the political and legal sphere. History and theory of interaction",

·  "Tendencies in state and legal development",

· "Methodological, theoretical, source studies and historical aspects of the study of state-legal processes and institutions" / / Materials of the Ural school of postgraduate students of law universities 2016, Part 1;

· "Industry aspects of studying state-legal processes and institutions" / / Materials of the Ural school of postgraduate students of law universities 2016, Part 2;

· "Source study of the history of the Soviet state and law: ideological, political and legal foundations."

Since 2013, the Department of Theory of State and Law has been holding the Alekseev’s Readings "Theoretical Jurisprudence: Traditions and Prospects". Within the framework of this event, which has already become traditional, three sessions were held. The last of them, entitled "III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference" Alekseev’s Readings: Teacher and Students", was held at the University on November 10-11, 2016.

As a result of the conference, collections of scientific papers were published under the general title "Theoretical jurisprudence: traditions, modernity, prospects". The graduates of the department took part in the Alekseev’s readings: O. Yu. Vinnichenko, S. Yu. Marochkin, E. V. Ponomarenko (Tyumen), V. B. Isakov, V. N. Sinyukov (Moscow), V. I. Kostenko (Omsk), F. M. Ryanov, V. K. Samigullin (Ufa), A. P. Semitko (Ekaterinburg), T. V. Sinyukova (Saratov), ​​R. V. Skinderov, Zh.S. Zhaikbaev (Kurgan) , V.M.Sharifov (Krasnoyarsk). Representatives of other departments of Ural State Law University also showed interest in this scientific event: professors V.S.Belykh, L. Ya.Drapkin, P.U.Kuznetsov, I.P. Malinova, A.N. Mitin, M.S. Salikov, M. N. Semyakin. In 2018, according to the results of the III Alekseev’s readings, a collective monograph "Issues of Legal Understanding" was published.

The Association of Lawyers of Russia and Ural State Law University established the S. S. Alekseev All-Russian Scientific Prize "For Merit in Jurisprudence," which is awarded annually on the days of the Euro-Asian Legal Congress in Ekaterinburg.

The laureates of this prestigious award among the legal community were: Professor V.F. Yakovlev, Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation (2014, Moscow); Professor B. M. Gongalo, Head of the Department of Civil Law, Ural State Law University, Head of the School of Private Law (2015, Ekaterinburg); Professor V.V. Lazarev, member of the Scientific Council for Law-Making under the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, professor of Moscow State University (2016, Moscow); Professor V. D. Perevalov, Head of the Department of theory of state and law of USLU (2017, Ekaterinburg).

On the initiative of Professor S. A. Stepanov, the Museum of S. S. Alekseev "Ascension to Law" was created and has been operating in Ekaterinburg since July 28, 2016. It hosts thematic evenings, excursions, meetings of student scientific circles on theoretical problems of jurisprudence.

In 2011-2018. within the framework of the main scientific directions, round tables were held:

· "Legal acts in the mechanism of legal regulation of relations in the field of education".

· "The Russian state in theoretical and historical dimensions".

· "Theoretical and Practical Jurisprudence: Transformations of Law in the 21st Century".

· "Sources of law and sources of knowledge of law".

· "Source study of the history of the Soviet state and law: methodology and methods of study".

Ural Legal Readings:

· "Cross-cultural interaction in the political and legal sphere. The history and theory of interaction",

· "Topical issues of the theory of state and law",

· "Issues of legal understanding".

The scientific education center of problems of studying the theory and history of state and law held seminars "Russian Foundation for Humanities Grants: from application to report", "Legal source studies: theory, methodology, methods", "Source Study of the History of the Soviet State and Law: Ideological, Political and Legal Foundations".

On May 23-28, 2016, the All-Russian School of Postgraduate Students of Law Universities of Russia was held at our University for the first time, which has now become an annual event.

Members of the scientific team participate in the organization and holding of the Euro-Asian Legal Congress, within the framework of which round tables were held:

· «Formation and development of the European-Asian legal space: theoretical, historical and philosophical contexts",

· "Legal education: problems and prospects";

the work of expert groups was organized:

· "Integration processes and legal support of national security in the European-Asian region",

· "WTO law and problems of implementation of the concept of national security of individual states",

· "Politics. Right. Safety",

· "Law and National Security: Geopolitical Dimension",

· "Economic integration of States and legal aspects of the establishment of accelerated economic development zones (special tax zones)",

· "World law and order: issues of formation and implementation".

Scientific and practical conferences, which are attended by members of the research team, are a peculiar form of manifestation of research work. In recent years, they have attended 307 scientific conferences and seminars in many cities of Russia and abroad (Beijing, Paris, Helsinki, Astana, Almaty, Bishkek, Kostanay, San Jose, Marrakech, Minsk, Vitebsk, etc.).

Members of the Department for the period from 2013 to 2018 published 40 monographs, more than 400 scientific articles, 20 textbooks on the theory of state and law, law, political science, a large number of educational and methodological complexes and manuals.

The Department pays special attention to student science, which is developing in two directions. The first, "general" direction is based on the principle of inseparable unity of legal education, science, and practice, and on the principle of consistent and timely implementation of scientific achievements in the educational process. The form of research organization here is "mass" student scientific circles, which are led, as a rule, by teachers who give lecture courses. Outwardly, the results of the work are manifested in the writing of reports, abstracts, theses, master's theses, motivated participation in competitions and Olympiads at various levels. In terms of substance and content, students-circle members acquire professional writing skills, the ability to analyze normative and literary sources, and correctly solve complex practical problems.

Student achievements in recent years:

·  2nd place in the All-Russian competition of the Association of Lawyers of Russia - A. Antilov, I. Afinogeeva, V. Volchenkov, Y. Izmodenova, D. Kurochkin, M. Farvozdnikov (scientific supervisor - associate professor L. N. Berg);

·  Diploma of the laureate of the XIV Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference - I. Khalikov, report "Features of the legal regime of the continental shelf" (scientific supervisor - Associate Professor E. A. Berezina),

· the winner (as part of the USLU team) in the III All-Russian competition in constitutional justice "Crystal Themis" (2013) - A. Belova;

· winner (as part of the Uslu team) in the European round of the F. Jessop international law competition (2015) - A. Belova (scientific supervisor - associate professor E. A. Belkanov);

· 1st place at the All-Russian Legal Olympiad in Theory of State and Law with the award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2017) - E. Nazarkova (scientific supervisor - associate professor E. A. Belkanov).

In the second, "qualifying" direction, work with students is built in accordance with the principles of continuity, on the basis of an individual approach, with increasing complexity of requirements. In this case, student scientific circles (legal clinics, laboratories) are considered collectively as a kind of "forge of personnel". According to the tradition established by S.S.Alekseev, almost all the teachers of the department passed through this forge.

The scientific achievements of the department members are actively used in the educational process. So, over the past six years, the department has implemented the following innovative projects:

- improvement and dissemination of the experiment on the use of computer testing as the first stage of the exam on the theory of state and law;

- introduction as an experiment of a network form of implementation of educational programs in the framework of postgraduate and master's programs;

- organization of a theoretical seminar for students and bachelors of all courses on the theory and methodology of law;

- development and experimental testing of a system for preparing draft normative legal acts, modeling a conflict situation, and choosing means and methods for resolving it;

- introduction of electronic textbooks, testing on all topics of the course, distance learning for part-time students (implementation of the "EES USLU Moodle" system under the guidance of Professor R. K. Rusinov);

- providing free access to legal literature (the author's textbook of Professor V. D. Perevalov (5th ed. Moscow, 2016) is available in the electronic library system

During the period 2013-2018, the scientific team of the department made a new round in development, new directions of scientific research were formed within the framework of the scientific school, new achievements appeared. About 60 different scientific, educational, and methodological and other events were organized and held. 5 theses for the degree of Doctor of Juridical Sciences, 2 theses for the degree of Candidate of Juridical Sciences were defended. The former contacts with graduates of the Department, legal scientists of other law universities and departments of our country and foreign countries have been restored and new ones have been expanded.

Prospects for further development of the scientific school are provided in the comprehensive plans for research, preparation of candidate and doctoral theses, publication of fundamental monographic works.

Educational activities of the Department

Educational and educational activities of the department are based on the preservation of the significance and fundamental nature of the general theoretical legal disciplines block in the training cycle of law students, the development of original innovative courses that actualize theoretical and legal problems, the preparation and implementation of practice-oriented techniques and teaching tools.

The Department provides the following training courses:

bachelor and specialist programs:

"Theory of state and law",

"Problems of jurisprudence",

"Political science",

"Fundamentals of the theory of national security",

"Political and legal issues of national security",

"Legal technique",

"Professional legal consciousness and thinking of the lawyer",

"Interpretation of law and Treaty";

master's degree:

"History of political and legal doctrines",

"Modern problems of legal science",

"History and Methodology of Legal Science",

"Legal technique",

"Comparative law",

"Issues of legal doctrine"

"Problems of the Application of Russian Legislation",

"Civil society and the social and legal state",

"Actual issues of legal science",

"Legal regulation of innovative activity",

"Problems of Russian Statehood",

"Actual problems of theory and history of state and law, history of legal doctrines",

"Legal Policy";

postgraduate study:

"History of jurisprudence",

"Methodology of legal science",

"Legal argumentation",

"Legal source studies",

"Political and legal approach to the study of state and law".

The arsenal of educational and methodological tools includes modern interactive methods, heuristic search tasks, solving practical problems using normative material and judicial practice, lectures in innovative forms (problem lectures, lectures-discussions, lectures-dialogues, etc.), master classes, trainings. These methods and forms are successfully used in the new training courses of the Department's professors: S. I. Arkhipov - "Modern problems of legal science", D. V. Gribanov- "Legal regulation of innovation", S. V. Kodan- "Legal source studies", V. D. Perevalova – "Problems of legal doctrine", O. A. Puchkova – "Comparative law", N. N. Tarasov – "Legal argumentation", A. S. shaburova – "Legal technique", V. I. Sherpaeva – "Political and legal issues of national security".

One of the most important direction of activity of the department is the preparation of textbooks, educational and methodological complexes, and manuals, which are used in other legal universities of Russia. Popular among students were textbooks on the theory of state and law, political science, the textbook "Jurisprudence" for non-legal universities, written by a team of teachers of the Department (M., "Norma"), the first textbook for graduate courses of law schools "Problems of the theory of state and law" (M., Yurid. literature), author's textbooks by S. S. Alekseev, V. D. Perevalov, A. F. Cherdantsev, A. S. Shaburov, republished several times. The educational complex on the theory of state and law (ed. by S. S. Alekseev) was awarded the prize of the Ministry of higher education of the USSR, the textbook "Theory of state and law" (ed. by V. M. Korelsky, V. D. Perevalov) took 2nd place at the all-Russian competition of textbooks on legal disciplines held by the Interregional Association of law universities of Russia. The textbook "Political Science" took 1st place in the competition in the humanities at Ural State Law Academy.

The Department of Theory of State and Law performs a professional and pedagogical function related to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and advanced training. The Department provides admission to postgraduate studies in the specialty: 12.00.01-theory and history of law and state; history of the doctrines of law and state, where full-time and part-time postgraduate students, as well as applicants who are actively involved in research work, are educated.

The Department maintains close contact with many of its graduates and cooperates in scientific, educational, and methodological fields.

International cooperation of the Department

International cooperation of Department’s members with colleagues from near and far abroad involves the implementation of the following goals:

- identification of common problems of world jurisprudence,

- the study of the specificity of the different legal systems of modernity,

- exchange of experience on improving legislation,

- development of recommendations to improve the efficiency of legal education on the positive examples of foreign universities.

To achieve these goals, the department carries out both traditional events (organization of international conferences, round tables, symposia, publication in foreign journals, organization of internships of students and teachers abroad) and innovative events (holding on-line telecasts, photo exhibitions, mutual translations of literary and normative sources, development of educational programs in the subject for students to obtain two diplomas in higher legal education).

The range of external scientific and educational relations of the department is constantly expanding. So, teachers of our Department gave lectures, passed scientific internship and made reports: S. S. Alekseev – in Italy, France, Germany; V. D. Perevalov – in Germany, Costa Rica, Morocco, the USA, Ukraine, France, Switzerland; A. S. Shaburov, A. P. Semitko, S. I. Arkhipov, D. V. Gribanov - in France; N. N. Tarasov – in Germany, Kyrgyzstan, the USA and the Netherlands; E. A. Belkanov – in Germany; A. P. Semitko – in the USA and France; V. I. Sherpaev, P. A. Saenko – in Belarus; S. V. Kodan – in Ukraine, Tajikistan; S. A. Stepanov – in China, Costa Rica, India, Finland.

Representatives of the department enjoy authority in the world legal community, are holders of prestigious prizes and titles, actively participate in joint work with foreign scientists on the implementation of current international projects.

Professor S. S. Alekseev has repeatedly presented his scientific works abroad, acted as a consultant on improving civil legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic (in 2004, he was awarded the order "Danaker" of the Kyrgyz Republic). He participated as an official opponent in the defense of theses in French and Russian with the award of both the degree of Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Russia) and Doctor of Law (France). In 2000, S. S. Alekseev was awarded an honorary doctorate (Docteurhonoriscausa) from the University of Paris-XII (Val-de-Marne).

Professor V. D. Perevalov led the group of experts on legal support of the Council of Europe's international project "MinUrals". In 2003-2006, he was the co-coordinator of the international educational project "Tempus". V.D. Perevalov is an honorary professor at a number of foreign universities, has certificates from the Humboldt University (Germany), the International Institute of Law (USA), the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). He was awarded with the Certificate of Merit of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. In 2005, he was awarded the United Europe award for his personal contribution to European integration (Oxford). In 2006, he received the Chaptal badge of honor from the French Association for the promotion of industry, in 2007 - the Napoleon medal and the honorary title of Marshal (Paris).

Professor S. A. Stepanov does a lot of work on organizing international conferences, symposiums, and business meetings with legal scholars from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. He is the Deputy Director of the Institute of Law of the BRICS Countries and regularly lectures at the leading universities of these countries. S. A. Stepanov is an honorary Professor of Beijing Union University (2009), Indian National Law University (2011), Hebei University of Economics and business (2018).

Professor A.P. Semitko regularly publishes articles on problems of legal comparative studies in foreign journals, perfoms at international conferences. For a long time, he has been working as a visiting professor at the universities "Paris-X", "Paris-XII", "Clermont - I" (France).

Professor S. I. Arkhipov has repeatedly performed at various international forums. Since 1998, he lectures for students of the law faculty (master's degree and senior bachelor's degree) at the University of ParisQuestNanterreLа Defense (France).

Professor N. N. Tarasov, within the framework of the joint program of the USLU Mediation Center and Emory University (USA), gave a lecture course "Negotiations in international activities" for undergraduates, conducted a number of seminars and trainings at the Higher school of justice under the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic under the program "Techniques of Judicial Mediation".

Professor D. V. Gribanov coordinates the activities of the Russian-Kazakh educational consortium, which unites leading universities in the Ural and Kazakhstan, and directs the Kyrgyz-Kazakh-Russian summer law school.

Professors A. P. Semitko, S. I. Arkhipov, D. V. Gribanov took part in organizing and conducting internships for French law students. S.I. Arkhipov leads the legal practice of French students of the University "Paris-X", "Paris-XII" in Russia. Professor V. I. Sherpaev acted as a moderator of the teleconference of the III Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia (Ekaterinburg - Vitebsk). Associate Professor L. N. Berg, teachers F. V. Fetyukov and A. E. Manuilov are organizers of the Summer School on Human Rights "Social Vulnerability: Contemporary Challenges and International Protection", as well as traditional meetings of the All-China University of Politics and Law students and Ural State Law University, International Convention "Russia-China" (2014-2015)

Thus, it can be stated that at the Department of theory of state and law of USLU has accumulated rich experience in the implementation of educational and pedagogical activities. It will allow us to continue to preserve value orientations and ideas about legal activity, to maintain the traditions laid down at the department by S. S. Alekseev and its predecessors, to ensure the training of professional and scientific personnel who meet the modern "challenges of the time" and are ready for self-realization in life and career.