Department of Russian, Foreign Languages and Speech Culture

Head of the Department: Yushkova Natalia Anatolyevna
Candidate of Sciences, Linguistics
Address: 620034, Ekaterinburg, 54 Kolmogorova St., office 313; 620137, Ekaterinburg, 21 Komsomolskaya St., office 304
Telephone: 8(343) 374-39-72 (К.,21), 8(343) 367-40-59 (К.,54)

Currently, the Department has 30 teachers, including 1 Doctor of Sciences, Professor, 15 Candidates of Sciences and Associate Professors. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor K. M. Levitan, in addition to teaching German and English to students and postgraduates, teaches the course "Higher School Pedagogy" in master's and postgraduate studies. He is a member of the dissertation Council at USPU, acts as an official opponent for the defense of candidate and doctoral theses.

The rapid development of information and communication and educational technologies led to a significant modernization of higher professional education, which was reflected in the Federal Law "On Education" dated 29.12.2012 and the new third-generation Federal State Educational Standards. The transition to a multi-level system of higher professional education (bachelor's, master's, postgraduate studies) on the basis of personal-activity approaches has caused a significant restructuring of the educational, methodological and research work of the department faculty. One of the positive aspects of these state standards is the consolidation of the lawyer's communicative competence (oral and written language skills, professional communication in a foreign language), which ensures the implementation of one of the main principles of the Bologna Declaration – academic mobility.

Working programs of academic disciplines taught at the department, educational and methodical complexes, manuals, and textbooks are based on didactic tools and methods that are adequate to the goals and competencies specified in state standards. Over the past five years, the department has been actively developing and introducing into the educational process a linguodidactic concept for the development of a professional linguistic personality of a lawyer on a multilingual basis under the scientific guidance of prof. K.M. Levitan. This concept aims at the gradual (at all levels of education) mastering the professional language of legal discourse, which implies mastering the thesaurus of the specialty and target competencies both in Russian and in foreign languages.