Department of Prosecutorial Activities
Head of the department: Yergashev Evgeniy Rashidovich
Doctor of Juridical Sciences
Address: 620137, Ekaterinburg, 21 Komsomolskaya St.,office 322
Telephone: (343) 374-05-10
The Department of Prosecutorial Activities was established in 2007 by decision of the Academic Council of Ural State Law University and in accordance with the order of the Rector of Ural State Law University № 134 dated 11.07.2007. Its immediate predecessor was the Department of Law Enforcement Agencies and Prosecutorial Supervision. In the 20th century, teachers who read the course on prosecutorial supervision entered the department of civil procedure (head - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Yu.K. Osipov) and the Department of Land, Collective Farm Law and Prosecutorial Supervision (head - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation A.F. Kozlov). In 1988, the Department of Prosecutorial Supervision, headed by Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor F.M.Kudin (who soon left Sverdlovsk) was separated from the Department of Land Law.
The first head of the Department of Prosecutorial Supervision (since 1990 - Department of Law Enforcement and Prosecutorial Supervision) was Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor V. M. Semenov. From 1997 to 2002, the department was headed by the Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor O. A. Kozhevnikov. From 2002 to July 2005, the duties of the head of the department were assigned to the Candidate of Juridical Sciences, associate professor N.A.Mekhrentseva. Since July 2005, the department is headed by the Senior Adviser of Justice, Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor E.R. Ergashev. Since 2009, the Coordinator of the department for educational and methodological work is the Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, L.V. Potapova.
The teaching of educational disciplines is carried out at the bachelor's degree (in all institutes of Ural State Law University) and at the master’s degree (Institute of the Prosecutor's Office). The main educational discipline "Prosecutorial supervision". For bachelor and master students of the Institute of the Prosecutor's Office, the disciplines of in-depth study of prosecutorial activities are also read: "Current problems of prosecutorial activities", "Methodology and practice of prosecutorial supervision of the implementation of laws and the legality of legal acts", "Participation of the prosecutor in the consideration of criminal cases by the courts," etc.
Since 2015, the leading teachers of the department have been participating in the adoption of the final state exam on prosecutorial supervision for bachelor and master students at the Institute of Prosecutor's Office of USLU. In addition, the department, being a profile one for its students and undergraduates of the Institute of the Prosecutor's Office, provides scientific guidance to the final qualification works of bachelors (diplomas) and undergraduates (thesis). The teachers also supervise the introductory and industrial practice of senior students and undergraduates of the Institute.
The department implements technical training tools, organizes lecture courses in the form of slide presentations, which include several thematic tasks according to the content of problematic issues of the courses taught in the disciplines. With the help of problematic presentation methods, teachers began to introduce various interactive methods of teaching educational disciplines.
In accordance with the requirements of the third generation Federal State Educational Standard, the department fully provided the educational process with educational and methodological materials (working program of the discipline, training programs, teaching materials, textbooks and manuals on the main disciplines). In the modules of the curriculum, in the work programs of each discipline, guidelines for the achievement of learning outcomes are formed in close connection with the assimilation of knowledge, skills and acquired competencies.
The Department of Prosecutorial Activity has also prepared proposals on including the disciplines of prosecutorial activity in curricula and programs for training specialists in the areas of "Prosecutorial Activity" and "Judicial Activity".
The result of the department's work is textbooks on prosecutorial supervision in the Russian Federation (edited by E.R. Ergashev. M., 2011, 2015), the author's textbooks of the same name for bachelors by E.R. Ergashev (Ekaterinburg, 2016) and specialists (Ekaterinburg, 2018) and 16 textbooks on the disciplines of the department.
All teachers of the department read the basic academic discipline "Prosecutorial supervision" at various institutes and departments of the University, regularly improve their qualifications at the Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers at USLU, at Moscow State Law Academy, as well as during internships in law enforcement agencies. Many teachers, in particular E.R. Ergashev, A.I. Britanov, L.P. Ivanova, A.V. Pugachev, have extensive practical experience in the prosecutor's office.
In its work, the department interacts with the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk region. The head of the department E.R. Ergashev is included in the membership of the scientific advisory council under the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region, as well as in the attestation commission of state and civil servants of the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region.