Уральский государственный юридический университет
Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines
Head of the Department: Mitin Alexander Nikolaevich
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences
Address: 620034, Ekaterinburg, 54 Kolmogorova St., office 218
Telephone: +7 (343) 367-40-66
E-mail: sgum@usla.ru
E-mail: tipu@list.ru
The Department of Philosophy and Sociology was established on April 15, 2006 as a result of the merger of the Departments of Philosophy and Sociology.
The Department of Philosophy as an independent structural unit existed since May 1960. In those days, it was headed by a young and promising associate professor, candidate of philosophical sciences G.P. Orlov. Together with him, the traditions of the department, the foundations of the moral climate in the team were laid by I. L. Andreev, Yu. E. Volkov, G. E. Zborovsky, V. G. Mordkovich - now widely known specialists in the field of sociology.
From 1979 to 1984, the department was headed by a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor N.A. Gribakin, and from 1991 to 1992 - Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences A. Khorkunov. From 1993 to 2017, it was again headed by A.V. Gribakin. Over the years, the department has created favorable conditions for the scientific and professional growth of teachers, the versatile implementation of their pedagogical and scientific potential.
At different times, V.N. Borzov, V.I. Bukreev, O. Yu. Gryaznova, E.V. Zarubina, L.M. Zasypkin, A.P. Ivanov, D.V. Kamenetsky, G. M. Kiselev, L. I. Kotov, L. A. Lebedeva, I. G. Melnikov, V. N. Pankraschenko, G. A. Sukhorukova, V. G. Chernikov, A. M. Sharov, E. V. Shtifanova and other scientists and teachers worked at the Department.
A special place in the staff of the department was occupied by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Candidates of Philosophy, Associate Professors B.N. Sergeev and N.A. Trofimov, who successfully combined educational and pedagogical activities with the transfer of their rich life experience to students. Both were SLI graduates. Their conversations with young teachers, stories about their participation in the fighting, the losses of their comrades-in-arms, and their fervent belief in Victory left an indelible mark on the souls of those who were lucky enough to work with them. Veteran teachers have always been an example of conscientious attitude, dedicated service to philosophy and the University.
The Department of Sociology was formed in 1991 on the basis of the Department of Scientific Communism, created in 1964 (its first head is the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor V.I. Mukhachev). Over the years, the department was headed by Candidates of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professors S.N. Myznikov, L.I. Kotov, G.V. Moskalev, V.A. Glazyrin, who defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sociological Sciences in 2006.
The basis of the Department consisted of professors – N. A. Gulin, A. G. Makeev, E. S. Korovkin, E. N. Gribakina. Such experienced teachers worked at the department as G. A. Emelyanov and I. V. Loginova, as well as S. A. Akulov, V. N. Babikov, G. F. Vazhenin, V. N. Selin, I. N. Rimskaya, F. A. Fayzrakhmanova, O. V. Tsvetova and others.
The merger of the departments of philosophy and sociology in 2006 accelerated the creative process and stimulated the activity of all members of the new team. The scale of educational work had reached its historical peak. An impressive list of subjects in which classes were conducted: philosophy, sociology, professional ethics, philosophy of law, history of philosophy, cultural studies, philosophical anthropology, logic, legal sociology, conflictology, legal hermeneutics, public relations and law. A large course "Philosophy" was read for postgraduate students and applicants. Special courses on ethics were compiled taking into account the professional orientation of students: lawyer ethics, investigative ethics, notary ethics, etc. (a total of seven directions). 26 full-time teachers provided the teaching of 20 academic disciplines taught for students of I-IV courses.
From year to year, the contribution of the Department's staff to University life is continuously increasing. A significant confirmation of this is the activity of teachers who head various departments of Ural State Law University. Thus, Professor A. V. Gribakin in 2004–2016. was elected chairman of the council of the labor collective; Professor I. P. Malinova was at the origin of the organization of the department of master's training, headed it from 2001 until its reorganization in 2013; associate Professor O. A. Ovchinnikova was the head of the organizational and control department in 2004-2008, and since December 2008 she has been the head of the scientific library of the University. From 2003 to 2018, the Department of postgraduate and doctoral studies was headed by associate Professor N. V. Yadykina. Many teachers of the Department have proven themselves as curators of student groups.
Since December 2017, the department is headed by Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences O. B. Ionaitis. Today the work of the department is structured in five educational and methodological sections, each of which is an independent direction of scientific and pedagogical work. But there is also a common basis that holds all areas together - the scientific school of the department. In 2011, the scientific school "Philosophical and sociological studies of interaction between individuals and society" was approved (headed by Professor A.V. Gribakin). In 2018, in connection with new directions in science and the actualization of interest in the traditions of domestic philosophy of law, the scientific school of the Department was named "National philosophy of law" (headed by Professor O. B. Ionaitis). Within the school, the following directions are being developed: "Legal institutions and social practice in the discourse of national philosophy of law" (headed by Professor V. A. Glazyrin), "Social and legal problems of individual life in a changing society" (headed by Professor A. V. Gribakin), "Ethics and law: traditions of national philosophy of law and modernity" (headed by Associate Professor A. G. Masleev), "Logic and Law: Contexts of Interaction" (supervisor is Associate Professor N. V. Yadykina). Most of the teachers of the department are actively involved in the development of directions, ideas of the scientific school, which is reflected in scientific research, publications, scientific events organized by the department, training courses. An important milestone for the formation of new scientific guidelines for the school was the organization of a round table "Human rights in the national philosophy of law" at the XII session of the Euro-Asian Legal Congress "Law and Justice: Global Challenges" (2018, coordinator Professor O.B. Ionaitis). The reports of the Department's teachers and other participants of the round table, discussions on the identified issues, set the vectors for future research of the Department.
Historically, the system-forming section of the Department is the section "Philosophy". Until 2018, it was headed by the Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.V. Gribakin, and is still actively working there. A.V. Gribakin owns many new scientific developments. So, in his thesis (1971), he proposed the concept of social regulation of free time. The emphasis was placed on the development of the material base of leisure activities and the diversity of its organizational forms. In his doctoral thesis (1988), he developed a socio-philosophical concept of the individual's life path. One of the first in Russian literature, he proposed to identify ontological characteristics (duration, structure, and content) that allow introducing this concept into the scientific circulation of modern social and philosophical thought. A.V. Gribakin also applied the concept of social production to denote the processes of forming an individual as a subject of history. He proposed to recognize the duration of an individual human life as a criterion of social progress (1985). In his works, he restored the tradition of criticism of the thesis of natural human rights and introduced the concept of normification as the basis of the rules included in the content of legal laws. He showed the inner content of the rights and duties of individuals. A.V. Gribakin as a lecturer arouses considerable interest among students, and not only at course lectures – the audience is always crowded when a student philosophical circle meets under his leadership.
Scientific circles are interested in discussing A.V. Gribakin's reports at scientific conferences, his monographs and works performed under his leadership: Life path as a socio-historical statement of a person. Irkutsk, 1985; Legal law as a paradigm of the philosophy of law / / Business. Management. Law. 2011. № 1; 3 issues of the collective monograph "Law and Legislation: philosophical and sociological research".
Since 2018, the section is headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor O.B. Ionaitis. O.B. Ionaitis's field of research is the history of Russian philosophy, which is reflected in more than 300 of her publications, including 7 monographs, 38 textbooks and manuals: Byzantium and Russia: development of philosophical traditions. Yekaterinburg, 2002. Ivan Kireevsky. SPb., 2017; Neoplatonism in Russian Medieval Philosophy. SPb., 2017; History of Russian Philosophy. Russian Medieval Philosophy: Textbook. 2nd ed., Rev. and add. M., 2016; Bizancio y Rusia: la idea del último reino // Coatepec. Revista de la Facultad de Humanidades de la UAEM. Ano II, número 3. Mexico, 2002 (co-author). The formation of national philosophical traditions, the question of the nature and scale of the Byzantine influence on Russian philosophizing, the philosophical text and the context of its existence in the intellectual history of Russia, the political fate of thinkers and their works are topics that have received quite a lot of coverage in the works of O. B. Ionaitis. O. B. Ionaitis' research was supported by Russian scientific foundations (9 personal grants). Under the guidance of O. B. Ionaitis, 5 theses were prepared and successfully defended for the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences.
The course "Philosophy" is an important component of the humanitarian education of a lawyer. The section teachers are associate professors, candidates of philosophical sciences O. A. Ovchinnikova, S. V. Novikova, L. S. Postolyako, senior lecturer, candidate of philosophical sciences E. V. Knysh, senior teachers M. V. Pyrina and O. Yu. Baleevskikh. The range of scientific interests of teachers is wide and diverse, which is reflected in the publications of colleagues: Fundamentals of philosophy: textbook/ ed.by A.V. Gribakin. M., 2017; Knysh E.V. Collegiality as a phenomenon of Orthodox culture: relevance, criteria, practices // Culture and civilization. 2017. 7 Vol. №2; Novikova S. V. Multidimensionality of the concept of "social technology" in modern philosophy // Kant. 2018. № 3 (28); Postolyako L. S. Western philosophy of the 20th century. Ekaterinburg, 1999; Shestovskikh N. A. At the origins of the European philosophy of property // Journal of the Siberian Federal University. Humanities. 2019. Vol. 12. № 5; Kholstinin R. N. Striving for truth as the dominant of the development of criminal procedure evidentiary law // Russian Juridical Journal. 2019. № 2 (125).
Today philosophy is perceived not only as an academic discipline, but also as the most important component of the scientific and educational aspect of training students. Student circles in philosophy have a great resonance at the university: the audience is always full; discussions unfold at meetings on a variety of issues. Student circles in philosophy have a great resonance. So, for example, in No. 3 (196) of the newspaper "Yurist" for 2019, an article was published by a student of the Institute of Prosecutor's Office Vladimir Georgiev "Got food for thought" about a round table organized and held on the basis of the circle in philosophy (the head of the circle is associate Professor O. A. Ovchinnikov). The topic of the round table was "The right to life: the status of the human embryo (socio-philosophical, moral, ethical and legal aspects of the problem". 32 students took part in the work of the round table, for several hours they actively discussed the declared topic. University students, under the guidance of teachers, take part in scientific conferences, olympiads and competitions in philosophy, held not only in universities in Ekaterinburg, but also in other cities of Russia. So, under the guidance of Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences A.G. Masleev, an article of student A.D. Logvinova was published in the materials of the 15th All-Russian Student Scientific Conference "First steps in science of the third Millennium" First steps in science of the third Millennium, held by the Neftekamsk branch of Bashkir state University, held by the Neftekamsk branch of Bashkir State University. In 2018 and 2019, certain sections on philosophy worked within the framework of the XVI and XVII International scientific conferences of young scientists and students "Evolution of Russian law" of Ural State Law University. Each time the number of participants was more than three dozen, students of our University and other universities of the city performed.
An important page of the department's activities is work with graduate students. The course "History and Philosophy of Science" was taught at different times by professors A.V. Gribakin, I.P. Malinova. Today, this course is taught by Professor O. B. Jonaitis, and it continues to change, responding to the demands of society, the emergence of new scientific guidelines and professional tasks.
The section "Philosophy of Law" has always occupied an important place in the history of the department. Until 2018, the head of the section was Professor, Doctor of Philosophy I.P. Malinova. Under her leadership, a lot of scientific and pedagogical work was done: the courses "Philosophy of Law" and "Legal Hermeneutics" were developed and introduced into the educational process, the role of which in the training of a modern lawyer is undeniable. I.P. Malinova devoted her entire life to the university. Her area of scientific interests is the philosophy of law (classical tradition and non-classical tradition), legal hermeneutics (methods, techniques for interpreting legal texts), as well as synergistic models (methodology for using the code theory of complex self-organizing systems in the legal design of social reality). I.P. Malinova is actively engaged in the development of technologies to counter such negative phenomena in the modern world as "color revolutions". I.P. Malinova uses the results of her scientific research in the educational process, includes in the educational texts: Philosophy of Law and Legal Hermeneutics. M., 2018; Philosophy of law (from metaphysics to hermeneutics). Ekaterinburg, 1995; Legal hermeneutics and legal understanding: materials for a special course. Ekaterinburg, 2004. Of particular interest is the collective monograph "Synergetics and hermeneutics in jurisprudence and socio-legal regulation" (Moscow, 2020), co-edited and co-authored by I. P. Malinova.
Since 2018, the section" Philosophy of law " is headed by Professor O. B. Ionaitis. Her presentations at scientific conferences and publications are aimed at revealing the main paradigms of the Russian philosophy of law, its "white pages", which previously for ideological and other reasons did not receive sufficient evaluation in the scientific literature: A. D. Gradovsky: state, society, person and right // Law and legalisation: philosophical and sociological research. Collective monograph / ed. by A. V. Gribakin. Ekaterinburg, 2008; A. N. Radishchev's political and legal views // // Law and legalisation: philosophical and sociological research. Collective monograph / executive editor A. V. Gribakin. Issue 2. Ekaterinburg, 2010; Philosophical and legal ideas of Russian thought in the first half of the 19th century (M. M. Speransky and N. M. Karamzin) // European way of thought and Russian philosophy (on the methodology of interdisciplinary studies in philosophy): In 2 vols. Rostov-on-don; Taganrog, 2017. Vol. 1 (in coauthor); Russian philosophy of law: the search for the identity of the subject//Herald of the Euro-Asian law congress. 2018. No. 2 (in coauthor).
Professor A.V. Gribakin made a great contribution to the development of the teaching of the philosophy of law with his theoretical studies: Introduction to the philosophy of law: a conception of lectures. Ekaterinburg, 1999; Law as a paradigm of the philosophy of law//Business. Management. Law. 2011. № 1; Natural law of people: from everyday science / / Russian juridical journal. 2013. № 5.
Young teachers of the Department who are engaged in research in the field of philosophy of law also contribute to the development of the direction. Senior lecturer M. V. Pyrina deals with the problems of ontology and theory of knowledge, the onto-epistemological status of the subject. Her candidate thesis was devoted to the philosophy of law, which is also reflected in her publications: Onto-epistemological aspects of the formation of the subject of law // Bulletin of Omsk State Pedagogical University. Humanities research. 2018, № 2 (19). Omsk, 2018; Relationship between the essential principles of man and the phenomenon of human rights // Historical, philosophical, political, and legal sciences, cultural studies, and art history. Issues of theory and practice. Tambov. № 7. Part 1. Publications of other teachers of the section are also of interest, for example: Novikova S. V. Features of labor law in the context of the philosophical theory of social technologies // Bulletin of SUSU. Series "Law". 2018. Vol. 18, № 2 (in coauthor); Shestovskikh N. A. the Problem of private property in the works of Russian religious philosophers (late XIX-early XX century) // Izvestia. Ural Federal University. Social science. 2018. Vol. 13. № 2 (176).
A group of teachers of the department, including A. V. Gribakin and O. B. Ionaitis, took part in the work on such a unique publication (the first in our country) as the "Philosophical Dictionary of Human Rights" (editor-in-chief N.V. Bryanik) (2nd ed. was published in 2007).
Teachers of the Department had prepared an interesting and discussion textbook: Philosophy of law and legalisation / edited by A.V. Gribakin, Moscow, 2017.
Today, the courses "Philosophy of law" and "Legal hermeneutics" occupy an important place in the system of training specialists and undergraduates of the University, they do not just remain in the memory of students, but serve as a guide in their professional activities.
Teachers of the Sociology section make a significant contribution to the scientific educational and pedagogical potential of the department. The creative team consisting of professors V. A. Glazyrin and E. N. Gribakina, associate professors N. A. Gulina, E. S. Konovkin and A. G. Masleev works in the scientific areas of "sociology" and "legal sociology". They prepared and published one of the first Russian textbooks on legal sociology (Legal sociology. Textbook for universities, Moscow, 2000). The "Urait" publishing house published the textbook "Sociology", which has passed 4 editions and received recognition not only in law universities of the country. Teachers of the section prepared and published the monograph "Frontiers of legal sociology" (Moscow, 2018).
The inspiring center of the section, its ideological core are professors V. A. Glazyrin and E. N. Gribakina. The range of scientific interests of V. A. Glazyrin is associated with research in the field of sociology of law, as well as theoretical sociology, philosophy of law, conflict science and constitutional law, legal ethics. He is the author and co-author of 6 monographs, published over 70 scientific papers. The works of V. A. Glazyrin were highly appreciated in the scientific community: Sociology of law in Western Europe: from A. Tocqueville to M. Weber. Ekaterinburg, 2003; Methodological foundations for the formation of the sociology of law. GmbH, 2010; The missing link // Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2013. Vol. 13. № 4; Anti-corruption: state policy and anti-corruption legislation // Actual problems of scientific support of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of anti-corruption. Ekaterinburg, 2016.
Professor, Doctor of Philosophy E.N. Gribakina has established herself as an excellent teacher, mentor and authoritative scientist for many years of work at the university and at the department. The range of her scientific interests is very wide: research of factual (unwritten) rights; introduction into scientific circulation of the concept of actual crimes (as opposed to legal crime); investigation of non-legal appropriation; proof of the existence of the 6th socio-economic formation (initial class formation); revealing the legal entropy paradox. The most interesting ideas that caused the scientific community positive comments and vivid discussions are contained in the following publications of E. N. Gribakina: Actual rights. Ekaterinburg, 2011; Social sphere of the society: its specificity. Ekaterinburg, 1992; Initial class formation. Article / / Kant, 2019 № 2.
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences E. S. Konovkin is the author of noteworthy developments on the issues of legal conflicts and totalitarianism. Research interests of Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences N.A. Gulina focus on the study of the place of lawyers as a professional group in modern Russian society.
The collective of the section "Sociology" prepared monographic studies and textbooks, the most interesting of them: Frontiers of legal sociology: a collective monograph. M., 2018; Sociology. 4th ed., Rev. and add. Textbook for bachelors. M., 2019.
The section teachers have developed new courses that arouse a keen interest among students and allow them to penetrate deeper into their future profession: "Conflictology", "Professional ethics of the prosecutor", "Legal sociology in law enforcement".
The first teachers of the department, whom students get acquainted with, starting their studies at the university, are teachers of the Logic section. The ideological inspirer, methodologist of the section is associate professor, candidate of philosophical sciences N.V. Yadykina. N.V. Yadykina has been teaching at the university for 30 years. Over the years, she has prepared a galaxy of logic teachers. Today, the teachers are actively working: senior lecturer, candidate of philosophical sciences E.V. Knysh, senior teachers R.N. Kholstinin and I.S. Gurkova, assistant I.I. Krasov.
The methodological group of logic is actively working in the direction "Methodology and methods of teaching logic in a law university". Within the framework of this direction, the associate professors of the department, members of the methodological group, prepared and published scientific articles on the following topics: "Problems of teaching logic in the structure of two-level legal education", "Fractal model of the organization of the educational environment", "Issues of creating computer training systems", "Problems of profiling logic teaching in a law university" and others.
Much work has been done to develop modern teaching methods of the discipline using digital technologies. In particular, the first electronic educational resource at the university was implemented in the discipline "Logic" in 2014. Methodological developments, a textbook, a workshop for students of all forms of education have been prepared. One of the textbooks is placed on the platform of the information system "Single Window of Access to Educational Resources" (IS "Single Window"), developed by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Currently, the teachers of the section are conducting active research work on the preparation of such an important section of the philosophy of law as the logic of law.
Today, the study of logic is leaving the traditional university classrooms, new technologies and forms of education are actively involved. The teachers of the section do not just conduct student circles in logic, they organize a student olympiad in logic.
A significant contribution to the scientific and educational-methodical development of the department is made by the teachers of the "Professional Ethics" section. The head of the section is Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences A.G. Masleev. For more than a quarter of a century, the teachers of the department have been teaching the course "Professional Ethics", without which it is impossible to imagine the training of a practicing lawyer. Over the years, a creative pedagogical team has been formed, whose representatives pay much attention to the combination of educational and research approaches, the search for new forms of methodological work that allow implementing a competence-based approach in the educational process. Important milestones on this path were the publication by A.G. Masleev of a short dictionary and dictionary "Ethics and Professional Ethics" (2001, 2007), the textbook "Professional Ethics", edited by A.G. Masleev (2004), and the development of the collection of tasks on professional ethics of a lawyer by E. N. Gribakina and A. G. Masleev (2009). From 2013 to the present, three editions of the textbook "Professional Ethics of a Lawyer" for bachelor-specialties and a similar textbook for the system of secondary vocational education prepared by A. G. Masleev in collaboration with I. N. Sorokotyagin have already published. A new step in this direction will be the textbook "Professional ethics (in law enforcement)", which is planned to be published by the publishing house "Justice" in 2020.
Professors, Doctor of Philosophy E.N. Gribakina and Doctor of Sociological Sciences V.A. Glazyrin, associate professors, candidates of philosophical sciences N.A. Gulina and E.S. Konovkin, senior lecturer M.V. Pyrin work in the section. Recently, new, and especially popular courses have been developed and taught: "Professional ethics and service etiquette", "Professional ethics of the Prosecutor". Students invariably show interest, ask questions, make reports in the classroom and meetings of student circles on the above disciplines, noting the importance of the topics under consideration for their future profession.
Teachers of the Professional Ethics section organize interesting scientific events in which teachers of our university and other universities of the city take part. For example, the inter-university round table "Professional ethics of a lawyer: general and special in the teaching process" (2018, head A. G. Masleev).
The Department of Philosophy and Sociology actively cooperates in the scientific and educational process with other departments of our university. For example, the Department of Philosophy and Sociology was a co-organizer of the All-Russian Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Criminal Law and Ethics. Issues of Mutual Influence" together with the Department of Criminal Law (2019)
Combining theoretical philosophizing with teaching students "love for wisdom", the department staff opens up new horizons for creative activity, linking their future with the fate of Russia and the development of our university.