Department of Labour Law
Head of the department: Golovina Svetlana Yuryevna
Doctor of Juridical Sciences
Address: 620034, Ekaterinburg, 54 Kolmogorova St., office 304
Telephone: 8(343) 367-40-35
History of the department
The Department of labour law was separated from the Department of collective farm, land and labour law of Sverdlovsk Law Institute in 1964. Its first head (1964-1968) was associate Professor B. K. Begichev, then for 25 years the Department was headed by Professor M. V. Molodtsov, from 1994 to 2000 - Professor V. D. Shakhov, in 2000 after the untimely death of V. D. Shakhov, it was again headed by M. V. Molodtsov. Since November 2005, the head of the department is Doctor of Law Professor S.Yu. Golovina. In 2018, during the structural reorganization of the university, the Department of Social Law, State and Municipal Service was joined to the Department of Labour Law.
Associate Professor V.G. Varentsova played an important role in the formation of the department, who for more than 20 years was actively engaged in scientific, pedagogical, methodological, and educational activities. Over the years, associate professors A.V. Ashikhmina, E.S. Gafarov, G.S. Gilyaev, V.M. Kulminsky, V.G. Soifer, V.D. Mordachev, E.F. Martirosyan, T.L. Mordovin, I.I. Tsyganov, E.N. Starodubskaya, V.S. Kolevatova, T. D. Pleshkova, S.V. Paradeeva, T.V. Krasilnikova, Z.K. Ilinykh, V.A. Rusakova, N. D. Mershin taught at the department.
In scientific circles of the country and abroad, the names of Doctor of Sciences professors B.K. Begichev and M.V. Molodtsov are well known. Member of the Great Patriotic War, graduate of Moscow State University B.K. Begichev (1924-1986) made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of labour law. As a brilliant teacher, he enjoyed immense prestige among fellow teachers and students. He was the organizer and the first dean of the Department of Legal Service in the National Economy (now ILaB). His fundamental monograph "The Labour Capacity of Soviet Citizens" (1972) and other scientific works occupy a significant place in the treasury of Russian legal culture. Boris Konstantinovich published more than 70 scientific works, took part in the preparation of the textbook "Soviet Labour Law" (M., 1979), co-authored one of the best textbooks on labour law of the Soviet period, published in 1985. The books of his personal library are constantly reminded of the prominent scientist and teacher, bequeathed to the library fund of the Department of Labour Law.
M.V. Molodtsov (1928-2007), the first postgraduate student of B.K. Begichev, came to the SLU with a solid practical background in 1962. Over the years of work at the university, he has grown into a prominent scientist and teacher. M.V. Molodtsov has more than 100 scientific publications. The main work of his life is the unique monograph “The System of Soviet Labour Law and the System of Labour Legislation” (Moscow, 1985). His doctoral thesis "Theoretical problems of the Soviet labour law system", defended in 1983 at URISL, was devoted to the same topic. More than 20 of his students became candidates, and 5 - Doctor of Law. The period from 1968 to 1994, when Mstislav Viktorovich headed the department, was marked by many significant events in the life of the university. Thus, the department's contractual activities received a powerful development, which made it possible to introduce the development of scientists at such giants of industry as the Magnitogorsk and Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plants, Uralkhimmash, Izhevsk Metallurgical, Sinarsky Pipe, Omsk Tire Plants, etc.
With the participation and under the editorship of M.V. Molodtsov, several editions of the textbook "Labour Law of Russia" were prepared. In 2008, the publishing house "Norma" published the first department textbook "Labour Law of Russia" (edited by professors S.Yu. Golovina, M.V. Molodtsov), in the creation of which all the leading teachers of the department took part. The textbook was highly appreciated by colleagues from other universities and won first place in the competition for the best educational publication in Ural State Law Academy in the category "Legal disciplines" in 2010. In 2013, the author's team of the textbook for bachelor's degree "Labor law" (edited by S.Yu. Golovina) was awarded a diploma of the Urait publishing house "For an invaluable contribution to improving the quality of education in Russia".
Commentaries and dictionaries are among other significant publications, in the writing of which the teachers of the department took part. Professor S.Yu. Golovina participated in writing the modern “Commentary to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” (edited by A. M. Kurennoy, S. P. Mavrin, E. B. Khokhlov), which has three editions (2005, 2007 and 2015). Professor N. M. Salikova, associate professors A. E. Sukharev and Yu. V. Zhiltsova are co-authors of the encyclopedic dictionary "Human Rights", which has also been republished several times.
Over the years, Professor M.V. Molodtsov was a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, acted as an expert in the Committee for Constitutional Supervision of the USSR, was a member of Expert Councils under the Committee on Labor and Social Policy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and at the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region. In 1999 he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
From 1994 to 2000, the department was headed by Doctor of Law, Professor V.D. Shakhov (1951-2000). During this period, the team of the department masters new directions of scientific activity, focused on socio-economic transformations in the country. Under the leadership of V.D. Shakhov, scientific advisory work is developing, the connection with practice is being strengthened.
For 20 years, Vasily Dmitrievich was the author and presenter of programs on Sverdlovsk television on legal issues. Over the years of work at the department, he has published more than 100 scientific papers. Professor V.D. Shakhov was the scientific secretary of the dissertation council at Ural State Law Academy, a member of the dissertation defense councils at Perm State University and Kazakh State Law University, an expert of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region, a member of the scientific advisory council at the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region. He was awarded two medals, an honorary badge "For success in higher education".
In the 90s of the last century and the beginning of the new millennium, research, legislative and educational and methodological work significantly intensified. The beginning of the 90s was marked for the Department by V. D. Shakhov's defense of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Law on the topic "Mechanism of self-government of the labour collective (organizational and legal problems)" (1991). At the end of the 90s, S. Y. Golovina defended her doctoral dissertation "Conceptual apparatus of labour law" (1998). In February 2004, N. M. Salikova defended her doctoral dissertation on "Legal regulation of remuneration in the Russian Federation (issues of theory and practice)". In October 2011, M. A. Zhiltsov defended his dissertation on "Defects of Labour Law and Ways to Overcome Them", becoming at that time the youngest Doctor of Law in the specialty 12.00.05 - Labour Law; Social Security Law.
Active participation in international, all-Russian and regional scientific and practical conferences and seminars has become a good tradition of the Department. Scientific research of the Department’s teachers in the field of labour law has received not only all-Union and all-Russian, but also international recognition. The report of Professor M. V. Molodtsov on the problems of development and improvement of legislation on social services for employees was highly appreciated by colleagues at the X International Congress of comparative law (Budapest, Hungary, 1978). Professor V. D. Shakhov's international scientific activity was not limited to scientific publications in foreign journals (Austria, Germany). In 1997-1999, he participated in scientific symposiums in France and Finland.
Professor S.Yu. Golovina in September 2005 participated in the VIII Congress of the European Society of Labour Law and Social Security Law (Bologna, Italy) with a presentation on the problems of maintaining labour relations during the change of the owner of the organization's property. At the invitation of the European Association of labour law and social security law, in September 2008, she participated in the IX European Congress on labour law and social security law (Freiburg, Germany), and in September 2011 she participated at the X European Congress on labour and social security law (Seville, Spain). At the invitation of the ILO Moscow Office S.Yu. Golovina took part in the National Tripartite Seminar on Labour Law Reform in Russia (April 24-25, 2003) with the report "Problems of compliance with wage legislation". In 2013, at the invitation of the International Labour Organization (Geneva, Switzerland), she participated in high-level scientific and practical meetings on the implementation of the Concept of Decent Work in Russia.
Leading specialists of the department have been actively involved in expert work for many years in cooperation with legislative and judicial authorities. Thus, Professor M. V. Molodtsov repeatedly acted as an expert in the Committee of constitutional supervision of the USSR and the constitutional court of the Russian Federation. On behalf of the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, S.Yu. Golovin and N.M. Salikova prepared legal opinions on the constitutionality of labour law. The practice of the department included the preparation of scientific and legal opinions on the application of labour legislation, including for judicial and law enforcement agencies.
Professors of the department constantly take part in the legislative work. In the 1970-1990s. they participated in the preparation of a number of draft federal laws: "On Amendments and Additions to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation", "On Collective Agreements and Agreements", "On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activity". Professors V. D. Shakhov and M. V. Molodtsov, associate professor Z. K. Ilyinykh were part of the working group for the preparation of these drafts. Associate Professor A. E. Sukharev as part of a group of specialists established under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, he participated in the development of the Fundamentals of the legislation of the USSR and the Union republics on leasing in 1988. In 2014, on behalf of the administration, the department prepared a commentary on the draft Federal Law "On the Development of Siberia and the Far East" in terms of issues related to the regulation of labour relations.
Professors M.V. Molodtsov and V.D. Shakhov were co-authors of the concept of the Labour Code of Russia. In the 90s, the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region adopted the regional laws "On Social Partnership", "On Regulation of Labour Remuneration in the Sverdlovsk region", "On Employers' Associations", "On the Protection of Labour Rights of Citizens in the Sverdlovsk Region" and a number of others. Профессор Professor M.V. Molodtsov took an active part in legislative work to improve the labour legislation of a number of CIS countries, in particular, he participated in the development of the draft Labour Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, in the examination of the draft Labour Code of the Republic of Belarus, for several years was a member of the expert councils of the Labour Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Legislative Assembly Sverdlovsk region.
Professor S. Yu. Golovina, at the invitation of the Committee on Labour and Social Policy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, made reports at parliamentary hearings on the topics "Problems of improving labour legislation and the practice of its application" (November 2002), "Prospects for the Russian Federation's ratification of ILO Convention № 181 and problems of legal regulation of "contingent labour" (May 2004), "Development of Russian legislation in the social sphere: prospects for further ratification of International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions by the Russian Federation" (October 2009). In 2002-2003, she was a member of the working group of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the development of a draft on amendments and additions to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation. Currently, she is a member of the permanent working group of the State Duma Committee on Labour, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs to summarize law enforcement practice and prepare proposals for further improving labour legislation.
Professor N. M. Salikova was a member of the Expert Council of the Ural Institute of Regional Legislation from January 2007 to June 2009.
Professors Golovina S. Yu. and Salikova N. M. are members of the editorial boards of a number of leading scientific journals – "Russian Yearbook of labour law", "Taxes and financial law", "Labour law in Russia and abroad", "Russian juridical journal", "Russian law: education, practice, science", "Business, Management and Law", etc.
Doctor of Law, Professor Vladimir Shamilyevich Shaikhatdinov devoted his life to the development of the science of social security law. In November 1966 he entered the postgraduate study of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute at the Department of Collective Farm and Land Law. In 1969 he successfully defended his candidate thesis on "Legal regulation of social security for collective farmers", and in 1986 - his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Theoretical problems of the Soviet social security rights". From 2002 to 2018, Professor V.Sh. Shaikhatdinov V.Sh. was the head of the Department of Social Law, State and Municipal Service. During this time, he worked on the formation of the Department, the organization of its activities, the creation of a methodological and literary base for teaching, the implementation of scientific research in the field of social security, state and municipal services, the training of undergraduates, postgraduates and applicants, and the strengthening and expansion of scientific relations with state authorities and local self-government. Under the leadership of Vladimir Shamilyevich, 24 dissertations were prepared and defended for the degree of candidate of legal sciences. He has published over 130 works on the problems of social protection of the population and state and municipal service, including the monographs "Theory of social security (legal analysis)", "Theoretical problems of Soviet social security law", textbooks "Law of social security" (annually published and reissued by leading publishing houses in Russia since 2012), twelve textbooks. Currently Shaikhatdinov V. Sh. is the chief researcher of the Department of Scientific Research and International Cooperation of Ural State Law University, a member of the Dissertation Council for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses at Ural State Law University.
Educational and methodical work of the Department
Implemented educational programs of bachelor's and specialty degree
Basic educational programs of disciplines: |
1 |
Labour law |
2 |
Social Security Law |
Optional disciplines: |
1 |
Features of labour legal regulation of certain categories of employees |
2 |
International labour law |
3 |
Legal regulation of employment |
Implemented master's degree programs
Basic educational programs of disciplines: |
1 |
Current problems of labour law |
2 |
Current problems of social security law |
3 |
Current issues of concluding, changing and terminating an employment contract |
4 |
Local normative act |
5 |
Documentation support of the HR Department |
6 |
Local and contractual regulation of renumeration |
7 |
Legal regulation of labour protection |
8 |
Prevention and resolution of labour conflicts |
9 |
Legal responsibility of subjects of labour law |
Optional disciplines: |
1 |
Features of labour legal regulation of certain categories of employees |
2 |
Social partnership |
3 |
Working hours and rest time |
4 |
Organization of the HR Department |
5 |
Legal regulation of employment |
6 |
Legal ways of personnel assessment |
7 |
International Labour Law |
8 |
Comparative Labour Law |
9 |
Pension provision |
10 |
Social Security Benefits |
11 |
Supervision and control over observance of labour legislation |
Research activities of the department
Scientific directions of the department in accordance with ongoing educational programs
The main directions of scientific research:
· international legal standards in the field of labour and social security;
· legal techniques in labour law;
· differentiation of labour legislation;
· problems of application of social security legislation;
· legal regulation of employment;
· modernization of labour and social legislation in modern economic conditions;
· ensuring the protection of citizens' rights in the sphere of labour and social security;
· harmonization of labour and social legislation in the post-Soviet space.
New directions of scientific research were the topics "Improving the mechanism of legal regulation of labour and social security relations in order to improve the quality of life" and "Transformation of labour law and social security law in the context of the development of digital technologies: theoretical and applied problems."
Scientific results and achievements
On the basis of two departments (Department of labour law and the Department of social law, state and municipal service), united by the scientific school "Problems of modernization of labour and social security legislation", a number of scientific projects have been implemented.
Since 2012, the Department of Labour Law has been actively developing a scientific topic "Modernization of labour legislation in an innovative economy".
Since the beginning of this decade, the department has mastered several scientific projects funded from budgetary sources, having won competitions for participation in research:
2011 - research work commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation on the topic "Analysis of judicial practice in cases arising from labour relations in the field of education";
2012-2013 - by order of the Ministry of Labour, two research projects were carried out on the topics "Improving the procedure for entering the state civil service of the Russian Federation" and "Improving the system of non-material incentives for state civil servants of the Russian Federation";
2012-2014 - Research and development work under an agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the topic "Modernization of labour legislation in the context of globalization and an innovative economy".
The temporary research teams included professors S.Yu. Golovina, M.A. Zhiltsov, N.M. Salikova, associate professors Yu.A. Kuchina, N. D. Mershina, E.V. Kozina, postgraduate students K.S. Balitsky, I.A. Glotova.
The Department of Social Law, State and Municipal Service carried out a number of research projects, including: "Legal regulation of public service in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" (commissioned by the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation); "Preparation of the draft Law of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug "On employment of the population in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug" (by order of the Department of the Federal State Employment Service for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug); "Development and examination of draft normative legal acts of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District" (by order of the Office of the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District); "Regulatory, financial and economic aspects of the educational policy of the Sverdlovsk region in the field of professional training, advanced training of state and municipal employees" (by order of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region); "Legal expertise of municipal acts of Surgut city municipality "(commissioned by the Administration of Surgut city municipality).
The temporary research teams included professors V. Sh. Shaikhatdinov, A. V. Gusev, associate professors S. A. Ivanova, S. V. Naimushin.
On the basis of the Department of Labour Law, a permanent expert group on labour law and social security (headed by Professor S.Yu. Golovina) has been created within the framework of the Euro-Asian Legal Congress. Every year the department provides preparation and holding of expert group meetings on topical issues of labour law and social security law. Topics of the expert group meetings by year:
2008 – "Problems of legal regulation of labour and social security of migrant workers".
2009 – "Harmonization of labour legislation and legislation on social security of the EurAsEC member states".
2010 – "Problems of formation of EurAsEC labour legislation and the strengthening of social protection of migrant workers from EurAsEC member states".
2011 – "Modernization of labour legislation and legislation on social security of the EurAsEC countries in the context of legal integration".
2012 - "Modernization of labour and social legislation of the countries of the European-Asian region in the context of an innovative economy".
2013 – "Harmonization of labour and social security legislation in the European-Asian region in the context of the WTO".
2014 - "Development and interdependence of national systems of labour law and social security law in the modern world".
2015 - "Legal support for the functioning of the labour market in modern economic conditions".
2016 - "The influence of politics and economics on the implementation of the functions of labour law and social security law".
2017 - "Problems of improving legislation on labour and social security in a global market economy".
2018 - "Global challenges to modern labour and social security relations: the search for legal response measures".
One of the directions of the department's scientific activity is the continuation of the research begun by Professor M.V. Molodtsov in the field of international labour law. For the 80th anniversary of his birth, the Department has prepared a collection of scientific papers "Theoretical problems of legal regulation of labour: international legal and national aspects" (Ekaterinburg, Publishing House of the Ural State Law Academy, 2009). In 2008-2009, on the instructions of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the EurAsEC, a working group (S. Y. Golovina, Yu. A. Kuchina, Yu. V. Perminov) conducted a comparative analysis of labour legislation of EurAsEC countries and introduced the draft Recommendations on harmonization of the labour legislation of the member states and the draft Fundamentals of the labour legislation of the EurAsEC member states, which were approved by the EurAsEC Interparliamentary Assembly and submitted to the parliaments of the EurAsEC member states and EurAsEC Integration Committee for use in work on improving the legal framework of the Community.
Professors S. Yu. Golovina, N. M. Salikova and M. A. Zhiltsov provide scientific supervision of candidate theses, are members of the dissertation council of Ural State Law University. From 2014 to 2018, S. Yu. Golovina was a member of the Expert Council on law of the Higher attestation Commission of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation. Under the guidance of S. Yu. Golovina, 21 candidate's and 2 doctoral theses were prepared and successfully defended. N. M. Salikova prepared 9 candidates of law, M. A. Zhiltsov – 2 candidates of law.
Over the years, teachers of the Department of Labour Law have published dozens of scientific works in various journals and publications, including foreign ones. Among them are the monographs of S. Yu. Golovina "Conceptual apparatus of labour law", "Legal regulation of labour of certain categories of employees", N. M. Salikova "Legal regulation of labour remuneration in the Russian Federation: issues of theory and practice", "Labour remuneration in the Russian Federation. Legal research", M. A. Zhiltsov "Defects of labour law", E. V. Kozina "Local regulation of labour remuneration: questions of theory and practice", A. E. Sukhareva "Actual problems of Russian labour law", Yu. I. Klepalova "Personnel management in an innovative environment". The notable milestone in the scientific development of the department was the collective monograph "Labour Law of Russia: Problems of Theory" (written by professors S. Yu. Golovin, M. V. Molodtsov, N. M. Salikova, candidates of juridical sciences I. N. Basargin, R. F. Galieva, M. A. Zhiltsov, Yu. A. Zhiltsova, Yu. A. Kuchina, F.B. Shtivelberg, A. L. Shvedov, teacher E. V. Green.
In the last decade, the Department of Social Law, State and Municipal Service published monographs: I.V. Grigoriev "Social Security for Migrant Workers in Russia: Legal Issues", A.S. Vasilyeva "Legal Regulation of Pension Security for Judges of the Russian Federation", L.V. Sotnikova "Social Security for Families with Children in the Russian (Legal Issues)"; A. V. Medvedev "Social protection of youth in the Russian Federation: legal aspects", E. Yu. Govorukhina "Application of social security law: issues of theory and practice", D. E. Kozhevnikova "State social assistance to low-income citizens: legal issues", V. A. Agafonov "Social security of persons affected by occupational diseases and their families: legal issues", E. V. Medvedeva "Social protection of persons affected by radiation and man-made disasters in the Russian Federation: legal issues", A. V. Medvedev "Principles in the law of social security".
Scientific cooperation
The Department of labour law develops scientific relations with similar departments of foreign universities, primarily in the countries of the EAEU and the former USSR: L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, MITSO International University (Republic of Belarus), Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Institute of Collective Labour Law and Social Partnership, Vilnius University, Baku State University. In particular, Professor M.V. Molodtsov was a member of the editorial board of the journal "Law," published at Baku University (Azerbaijan), repeatedly acted there as an opponent for candidate and doctoral theses. From the 1990s until his death in 2007, he was a member of the dissertation council of the Kazakh State Law University (Almaty). In 2010-2012, Professor S. Yu. Golovina worked as a member of the dissertation council at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. She is also a foreign scientific consultant and provides scientific guidance for the training of PhD doctors at this university. She acts as an opponent in the defense of theses at the Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University and the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
Scientific relations are being established with the collectives of related departments of leading educational and research organizations in Russia - the departments of labour law at Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Kutafin Moscow State University, Saratov State Law Academy, Russian Academy of Justice, Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Perm State National Research University, Udmurt State University, Tyumen State University, South Ural State University, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc.
Other achievements (scientific circles, Olympiads, conferences, etc.)
The department pays great attention to the development of student studies on topical problems of labour law. In all institutes of the university there are active SSS circles, whose participants successfully participate in scientific conferences and All-Russian student Olympiads, taking prizes. In different years, students trained by teachers of the Department became winners of the all-Russian competition "My legislative initiative", all-Russian scientific and practical conferences and Olympiads, authors of current scientific publications. So, in 2010, the competitive work of students of the evening faculty of Dobromyslova I.A. and Kuzmina G.A. on the topic "Constitutional right to protection from unemployment" took the 1st place at the IV Regional Competition "My Legislative Initiative". In 2013, a student of the Institute of Prosecutor's Office Ivchenkov M.S. participated in the XX International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Lomonosov-2013" (Moscow State University) and received a certificate for the best report in the section "Labour Law" (the topic of the report "On the question of the legality of methods of collecting information about an employee"). In 2014, a student of the Institute of Prosecutor's Office Mukhamedyanova A.H. participated in the X International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Researchers "Modern Problems of Legal Science" and received a diploma of 1 degree for the scientific report "Complex cases of law enforcement practice: restriction of "Golden parachutes". In April 2015, T.P. Vedeshkina, a student of the Prosecutor's Office, participated in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Personality, society, state and law. Problems of correlation and interaction" (Tyumen) and took the 2nd place in the social and labour nomination for the report "Effective contract: problems of implementation". In 2015, a student of the Institute of Prosecutor's office Matushkina T. O. at the 11th annual interuniversity scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Features of legal regulation of labour of certain categories of employees" (Moscow) received a certificate for the best report according to the jury. Student of the Institute of Prosecutor's Office V.P. Koval was repeatedly encouraged for brilliant performances at All-Russian student scientific conferences.