Selection committee:
Preparatory Institute (Faculty):

Department of Civil Law

Head of Department: Gongalo Bronislav Michislavovich
Candidate of Juridical Sciences
Address: 620034, Ekaterinburg, 54 Kolmogorova St.,office 203
Telephone: +7 (343) 367-40-38

The Department of Civil Law was established in 1954 after the division of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure. From the day of its foundation until October 1984, it was headed by a student of the founder of the Ural school of civil law B.B. Cherepakhin, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor O. A. Krasavchikov. From 1984 to 1987, the Department was headed by Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor V. F. Yakovlev, from 1987 to 1992 - Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor T. I. Illarionova, from 1992 to 2000 - Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor V. A. Pletnev.

Now there are 45 teachers at the department, among them 3 doctors and 25 candidates of juridical sciences. Faculty members of the department teach the civil law disciplines: civil law, Roman private law, family, housing, corporate law, intellectual property law and others.

In recent years, talented young teachers have joined the department, to whom representatives of the older generation share their experience and knowledge.

Members of the Department conduct extensive scientific work, the latest results of which are a textbook on the first part of civil law, comments on family law, the law on real estate registration.

The Department plays a high role in training lawyers in the field of private law. Most teachers successfully combine scientific and teaching activities with practical ones. The high authority of the Department is confirmed by the appeals of various organizations and individuals with a request to give an opinion on the most complex issues of the practice of applying civil, housing and family legislation. The Department has made a significant contribution to improving the training of students. Its team prepared a number of teaching aids for law universities, in particular, on civil, Roman law, legal regulation of foreign economic activity. The Department constantly improves teaching methodology.

Professors of the Department B. M. Gongalo, M. Ya. Kirillova, L. O. Krasavchikova, as well as associate professors I. V. Matantsev, A.V. Mayfat are actively engaged in training postgraduates. Recently, the Department annually defends at least 5 candidate theses, publishes monographs, a large number of articles and abstracts of presentations at scientific and practical conferences. This gives hope that the scientific potential of the Department will continue to be high.