Department of Business Law
Head of the Department: Vladimir Sergeevich Belykh
Doctor of Juridical Sciences
Address: 620034, Ekaterinburg, 54 Kolmogorova St., office 303
Telephone: (343) 367-43-01
In July 1973 (order № 98-a dated July 2, 1973), the Department of economic law was established. Since 2002, the department has been renamed into the Department of Business Law. In 1976 (order No. 164-a dated September 2, 1976), with the aim of deepening economic and legal specialization in the preparation of lawyers for work in enterprises and organizations, the department of Legal Service in the National Economy was established. It was renamed to economic law in 1993. From April 1997, it was reorganized into the Institute of law and business.
The founders of the Department of Economic Law and the Faculty of Legal Service in the National Economy were Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor Vasily Stepanovich Yakushev, Candidates of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professors Vladimir Iosifovich Kofman, Stanislav Antonovich Khokhlov, Lev Sergeevich Malokotin.
Teaching work at the department in the early years was also conducted by Alexandra Markelovna Martemyanova, Sergey Vasilyevich Zapolsky, Dinus Nurimanovich Safiullin, postgraduate students of the department: Nadezhda Alexandrovna Fedorova, Vladimir Sergeevich Belykh, Alexander Vitalievich Kazakov, Georgy Gennadievich Pilikin. The head of the department was appointed, and then was repeatedly elected professor V.S. Yakushev, who effectively had headed the department for 21 years. In 1994, Professor V. C. Belykh was appointed and then elected to the position of head of the Department of economic law in 1995.
Currently, there are 32 teachers at the Department (including 4 Doctors of Science, 21 Candidates of Science), who conduct classes, providing teaching of 80 academic disciplines in the bachelor's, specialty and master's specializations of USLU. The content of the department's work meets modern requirements for training lawyers who are in demand in various business areas.
Lecture courses on civil law at the Institute of Law and Business bachelor’s degree are conducted by associate professors A.N. Latyev (2nd course), V.M. Bogdanov (3rd course), seminary classes are conducted along with lecturers by associate professor O.A. Grigorieva, senior lecturer Z.A. Malunova. Teaching of business law is provided by associate professors Vinichenko S. I., Goncharova O.S., Zvezdina T.M., Zaporoshenko V.A., Mitrichev I.A., Predein K.N. and others. The course of organization of legal work is conducted by associate professor Voronova T.L. Lectures and classes on the legal regulation of foreign economic activity - associate professors A.V. Gubareva, A.V. Stepanchenko, E.P. Shekochikhina.
The department has developed and taught special training courses for the profile of bachelor's and master's degrees in the Institute of Law and Business: contractual regulation of business activities – Professor Belykh C. S., associate professor V.A.Zaporoshchenko, legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy) - associate professor V.M. Bogdanov, insurance law - associate professor Mitrichev I.A., antitrust and competition law – associate professor Voronova T.L., corporate law - associate professor Gerasimov O.A., exchange law - associate professor Vinichenko S.I., intellectual property law - senior leacture Kosyanenko E.M., banking law - associate professors Gavrin D.A., Kazakov A.V., investment law - associate professor Stepanchenko A.V., legal support of housing and communal services - associate professor Zvezdina T.M. and many others.
The main research areas of the team are civil law and business law.
The school of business (economic) law is one of the first to focus specifically on business (economic and legal) specialization. Traditions that have existed for more than one decade, a deep study of both theoretical and practical material, largely predetermined the principles of building a system of business law. Representatives of the school have developed their own understanding of business law as a complex industry (education) that regulates a special kind of relationship in the field of business.
The result of long-term work in this direction was the textbook "Business law of Russia" (edited by V. S. Belykh), which includes all the main provisions concerning the essence of business law and the features of its regulation. In particular, in addition to the traditional issues characterizing the industry (education) (subject, method, concepts, sources), considerable attention is paid to the legal status of business entities, the property basis of their activities, the nature of relations with state bodies, the legal nature of a business contract, etc.
The textbook on a special part of business law - contractual regulation of business activities is being completed. The textbook will include provisions covering all the main contractual structures, used in business activities: business agreements on the transfer of property into ownership, on the transfer of property for use, contracts for the performance of work, entrepreneurial contracts in the field of insurance activities, contracts concluded at organized tenders, etc.
Other scientific directions are also actively developing. The school team has issued a textbook «Banking Law», (which has been reprinted for several years (ed. by V. S. Belykh), developed and published textbooks "Exchange law" (V. S. Belykh, S. I. Vinichenko. M., 2001), "Legal foundations of insolvency (bankruptcy) (V. S. Belykh, A. A. Dubinchin, M. L. Skuratovsky. M., 2001), "Legal regulation of prices and pricing in the Russian Federation" (V. S. Belykh, S. I. Vinichenko. M., 2002), "Tax law of Russia" (V. S. Belykh, D. V. Vinnitsky, M., 2004), "Insurance Law of Russia" (V. S. Belykh, I. V. Krivosheev, I. A. Mitrichev. M., 2009), "Transport legislation of Russia and foreign countries, the EU, SCO, EurAsEC" (V. S. Belykh. M., 2009), "Bankruptcy of citizens: criteria, status, procedures "(V. S. Belykh, V. M. Bogdanov, V. A. Zaporoshchenko M., 2017) and others.
In addition, members of the department issued numerous monographs on the legal regulation of foreign economic activity in the Russian Federation, the legal regime of real estate according to the legislation of foreign countries, the legal nature of aleator transactions, the transport legislation of Russia and foreign states, the EU, SCO, EurAsEC, the contract for the transportation of goods and the transport expedition agreement in Russia and Germany, the contract law of England. Professor M.F. Kazantsev is a co-author of comments to various chapters of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
In total, over the past 3 years, members of the school have participated in the development of more than 7 textbooks and manuals (not counting reprinted ones), more than 25 monographs and commentaries, and 100 articles.
School members take an active part in rulemaking. In the early 1990s S. A. Khokhlov was a co-author and ideologist of many provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part 1). Also, school members took part in the development: the concept and draft of the unified transport code of the Russian Federation (on the instructions of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, 2007), the draft law "On Property Management" on the instructions of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Sverdlovsk Region (2008), draft law "On industrial policy in the Sverdlovsk region" on the instructions of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Sverdlovsk region (2008), the draft Concept of the Fundamentals of the EurAsEC legislation on the securities market on the instructions of the IPA of the EurAsEC member states (2009-2010), recommendations for harmonizing the legislation of the states - members of the EurAsEC, determining the legal status of persons engaged in business activities without the legal entity status, on the instructions of the IPA of the member States of the EurAsEC (2012), etc. Professor Belykh V. S. was appointed an expert from Russia on the preparation of the concept and structure of the business code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The traditional economic and legal orientation of the school determined the introduction of new academic disciplines into the curriculum of the department, and then the Institute of Law and Business, an increase in academic hours for studying optional and special courses, a reduction in the number and volume of academic disciplines in the criminal law cycle. Initially, such specialization was ensured by teaching training courses "Legal bases for regulating economic activity", "Legal regulation of economic relations in the USSR", "Organization of legal work in the national economy", "Practice of resolving individual economic disputes". Now the number of academic disciplines has increased significantly.
Every year, the school of business (economic) law conducts various scientific events. So, over the past three years, more than 30 various scientific events have been organized, including conferences, round tables, and open lectures. In 2017, for the first time, the "Yakushev’s Readings" were held, named after one of the founders of the school and the first head of the Department of Economic Law - Professor V. S. Yakushev, the annual interregional scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Business, Management and Law", as well as open lectures on topical issues of theory and practice, which are held with the participation of representatives of commercial structures (LLC «UGMK-Holding», JSC «Energosbytplus», JSC «IDGC of the Ural») and representatives of government authorities (Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Sverdlovsk Region, Ural Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), judges of arbitration courts.
Teachers of the department participate in the publication of the scientific and practical economic and legal journal "Business, Management and Law" (editor-in-chief - Professor Belykh V.S.), which successfully positions itself in the publishing market. The journal has a website:
The department expands business relations with enterprises of the Ural region. Agreements on business cooperation with economic companies "EvrazHolding," "Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant," "Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant," "UMMC - Holding" were signed.
The department actively interacts with its colleagues from other universities. Thus, a cooperation agreement was signed with the Department of Business, Competition and Environmental Law of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State University (National Research University". More information about the Department "Business, competition and environmental law"
One of the new directions in the work of the Department of Business Law was the opening of the legal Clinic "Business Consulting" in 2002. The clinic is intended to provide legal assistance to low-income citizens, individual entrepreneurs, and helps students of 3-4 courses of the Institute to implement their theoretical knowledge in practice. Teachers, postgraduates, and applicants of the Department participate in the work of the clinic. Head of the clinic – Candidate of Juridical Sciences Konkov K.A.
Over a forty-year period, the Department of Business Law, from a relatively small structural unit of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute, has become the leading department of business law specialization of the Ural State Law Institute. The educational, pedagogical and scientific experience and potential accumulated over the past years are a fairly reliable basis for the further development and improvement of the training of high-class lawyers.